Welcome to Vocera Collaboration Suite 3.0 App training for clinicians! This 30-to-40-minute, computer-based training will familiarize you with the basics of Vocera Collaboration Suite App 3.0. If you're new to the app, we highly recommend you take the modules in order; however, this is not a requirement. This course contains audio. It is best viewed on a monitor, laptop, or tablet. Learning Objectives: By the end of the course, you should be able to:  Describe the Vocera Collaboration Suite App and its benefits  Describe how to navigate the app and use the internal help system  Describe best practices for handling protected health information (PHI) when calling and texting  Describe basic communication, including secure texting and making calls  Describe basic communication with the Genie  Describe best practices for using the app with a smartphone, including talking to patients and families, cleaning a device, and charging a device.